
My name is Chase—'s e Niall an t-ainm a th' orm.

I was born as access to computers was rapidly expanding and the era of personal websites was largely ending. Despite this, come my college years I needed an online storeroom of essays and other thoughts from my years studying history and linguistics—otherwise, they would fast disappear. I wanted to stray from the bloated messes that are most web platforms, but this site had the misfortune of being made in the early twenties, by which point the instructive HTML editors of the nineties with their WYSIWYG and “view markup codes” editors were long gone. Still, I've done my best to heap together something not as obnoxious or ad-ridden as the alternatives. If you ever need to return to this landing page, just click the Moses-in-the-cradle drawn by my friend Asha in the header.


