The chief purpose of the Cognizant Society is that of thoughtful progressivism: the antidote to the uninspired, knee-jerk reactions that have historically clogged and polluted political discourse. We disagree with that speed and volume trump depth. Our method is one of pause—of making time to engage critically with ideas before producing responses. In sharing the fruits of our meditations, we aim to contribute positively in this way, espousing opinions that are not merely reactionary but genuinely progressive.

Historical analysis inspired this project. A staggering wealth of precedent and example awaits for contemporary readers and voters to consider in constructing their opinions, yet we are often and needlessly forced to repeat history. It remains in the hands of the thoughtful progressives to stay this tragedy and bring to light philosophies truly founded in historical example, representing, hopefully, that humanity is learning and will continue to do so.

Our essays generally focus on progressivism—that is, the cautious acceptance of new economic, philosophical, political and social items—against traditionalism, or resistance to change. Radicalism as used here is an over-eagerness to advance too quickly in a given direction. Our general position is what we call thoughtful progressivism: an emphasis on secular humanism, empirical science, civil liberties, social justice, and the improvement of the human condition.